5 de mar. de 2008

Implante emagrecedor

Qual o maior sonho de quer emagrecer e não consegue? Ora, ter um aparelho que faça isso por você. Impossível? Nada disso. Acaba de ser testado nos EUA um aparelhinho chamado The Tantalus II que emagrece. Sim sim! Jurooo! O tal aparelho, que é implantado na boca do estômago, funciona a base de contrações gástricas modoludas que enviam sinais ao cérebro de satisfação durante as refeições. Ou seja, ele faz com que a pessoa se sinta satisfeita com a metade de comida que ela normalmente iria ingerir! LUXO!!!! Doze voluntários que fizeram o tratamento durante 20 semanas perderam cerca de 18 kg. Já pensou, hem? Que máximo!
O único problema além desse troço só chegar ao mercado americano é 2010, é o preço. A aparelhinho milagroso vai custar cerca de 21 mil dólares! Putzzz...
Saiba mais...

Coming Soon: The Weight Loss Implant

Picture yourself dining on a plate of pasta when several minutes into your meal, you feel a fluttering sensation in your stomach telling you you've had enough. That fluttering sensation is an electrode and will probably be on the market within 2 years.
The Tantalus II is based on new technology called Gastric Contractility Modulation (GCM) and works by attaching electrodes to the top of the stomach where food comes in, and to the bottom where food lands. During a meal, when food hits the bottom of the stomach, the device sends a signal to the brain that you're stuffed. Apparently, the device monitors the individuals' food intake by sensing gastric activity and can automatically adapt to a treatment protocol set out by the doctor. People with the device eat as little as a quarter of what they would normally consume.
So what have early trials demonstrated? Some pretty promising results. In the journal Obesity Surgery, 12 subjects lost an average of 20 pounds in the first 20 weeks and those who continued the trial for the full year lost 37. Blood pressure and blood glucose levels have also been reported to be improved significantly. It is also noteworthy that some discomfort and pain has been noted amongst patients.

Also on the implantable device horizon is a device called Maestro. This little gizmo periodically blocks transmission on the digestion-controlling vagus nerve. Limited study data suggests it may trigger significant weight loss. A bigger, yearlong randomized study is underway which could put the company on track for U.S. approval in the middle of 2010. If you are thinking of this device, however, better put off plans to buy that car or pay for your kid's tuition as the estimated cost will be around $21 000.
I think this type of technology has the potential to revolutionize the weight loss industry as it appears to be a safe, less invasive alternative to gastric bypass surgery. Time will tell.
Interestingly, this was blogged about almost 5 years ago here when the technology was really in its infancy.

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