7 de nov. de 2007

O que será que está acontecendo?

Olha, se a Angelina Jolie está stressada ou não eu não sei, só sei que uma das mulheres mais lindas do mundo está ficando horrorosa de tão magra! Pode?
Uó total!!! A gente aqui se acabando por causa dessas mulherres e ela assim... desaparecendo. Não é justo. Aliás, se a indústria da beleza nos sufoca diariamente com as imagens dos corpos e padrões dessas mulheres, no mínimo elas deveriam ser mais responsáveis com o exemplo que passam para as suas seguidoras. Sim, por elas são como deuas. Cópiadas, almejadas, imitadas... aiaiaiaiaia....
Enfim, olhem o que os tablóides londrinos andam dizendo:
As curvy Lara Croft in Tomb Raider, she won an army of admirers.
But it appears that Angelina Jolie's fabulous figure has all but faded away.
As she appeared on the set of The Changeling in Los Angeles this week, her sweater and knee-length skirt could not disguise her ultra-slender frame, while the sinews in her thighs and the tendons of her feet were prominent.
The movie's costume designers have repeatedly been forced to take in the 32-year-old's outfits as she continues to shed weight. It has been suggested that the raised veins in her hands and forearms are due to excessive exercise and inadequate nutrition.
However, Miss Jolie has insisted that her weight loss is simply due to grief over her mother's death earlier this year, and the stress of caring for her family.
She said recently: "Some days are exhausting, only I am not able to collapse. I believe in pushing myself to the limits."
The actress admitted on television's Good Morning America that she is a terrible cook.
She said: "I try. We'll see what happens this year. We all chip in. But I don't think anybody in my family wants me to handle Thanksgiving dinner."
Despite her slender figure, there are persistent rumours that Miss Jolie, who starred in Tomb Raider six years ago, is expecting her second child with partner Brad Pitt.
The couple have three adopted children, Maddox, six, Zahara, two, and the most recent addition, Pax Thien, three.
They also have their

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